

You know... I could do without people giving me crap because I don't have the latest version of the iPhone or literally any Android phone.

If I had some extra funds I'd definitely get a Lumia but my faithful and cute purple flip has done it's job well for over 2 years with about a weeks worth of battery life per charge. So when I have an emergency which is sadly often it works.

So sue me ¬_¬ I like simple stuff.

I have a friend who comes over to stay for days at a time. The entire time I have to put up with the "why don't you have X..." conversations.

I suppose people think I'm fine because I'm not fainting all over the damn place. But if they just took a few seconds to observe what's going on; they'd notice I'm a shut in. I never leave the house and I'd like to blame the agoraphobia but the truth is my health is fucked 10 ways to Sunday and I can't be trusted to be by myself.

This doesn't usually bother me but when people enter my personal space and proceed to berate me for my minimalistic lifestyle... I get mad. It's not like I live this was because I'm forced to. Get it in your bloody heads I don't have what I don't need and I like it!

Image via Aur-L

Paranormal fiction is just meh.


My latest fixation is paranormal fiction. Sadly I can't seem to find any to my liking, even though I'm not a picky reader. My major gripes have to do with the curiously fragile yet powerful creatures that grace these pages, the futility of using the cliched supposedly strong female character; when she is simply too stupid to live in a world where vampires roam and dragons fly. Well it's not like it's impossible to use her but the application is seldom palatable. For instance, after investing in 19 of Christine Feehan's books the only truly tolerable pair was in book 20 the previous books featured some of the most idiotic characters male or female I've encountered in quite some time. And is it just me or is this genre just mills and boons with assorted supernatural creatures?

This seems to be something that plagues the entire genre. And what's this idiotic bit about holding the creatures responsible for preying on humans when that's what they were created to do. No one berates a human for enjoying steak or chicken with the exception of some snobbish vegans and impractical people who can't figure out that with our physiology being what it is we are definitely omnivores. Not that it's impossible to live as a vegan of course but I digress. My point is it's stupid and unnecessary and strangely features in quite a few series. Like an old favourite Mercy from the Mercedes Thompson series getting squeamish about a vampire killing for sustenance where her wolves do so far more often than strictly necessary. Baring that she's more or less quite entertaining.

It seems that I'd be better served continuing to follow up on popular science books or going back to yaoi which has a lot more variety than what paranormal fiction tends to offer.

Table salt vs. sea salt.


Is sea salt better for your health than table salt?

No. Sea salt and table salt have the same basic nutritional value, despite the fact that sea salt is often marketed as a more natural and healthy alternative. The real differences between sea salt and table salt are in their taste, texture and processing, not their chemical makeup.

Sea salt is produced through evaporation of seawater, usually with little processing, which leaves behind certain trace minerals and elements depending on its water source. The minerals add flavor and color to sea salt, which also comes in a variety of coarseness levels.

Table salt is mined from underground salt deposits. Table salt is more heavily processed to eliminate minerals and usually contains an additive to prevent clumping. Most table salt also has added iodine, an essential nutrient that's lacking in naturally occurring sea salt.

By weight, sea salt and table salt contain the same amount of sodium chloride. Your body needs only a very tiny amount of salt to stay healthy. Most people get far too much — mostly from processed foods. So regardless of which type of salt you prefer, use a light hand with the saltshaker. And limit total sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams a day — or 1,500 milligrams if you're age 51 or older, or if you are black, or if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.


30 Day Shred; Phase 1, Day 4

Today hurt >.<! I needed to take a lot of breaks, my shoulder muscles were screaming halfway through the workout. Cardio doesn't seem to be a problem any more, it burns a bit but I think that too will pass when I get my breathing down properly.

Legs are also burning, all in all not too bad. I should be able to make another 6 days if I continue at this pace. I'm still doing beginner variations for a few of the exercises though, like the squat and press and pushups and I don't really want to move on until I've mastered all the exercises at this level.

I suppose I need some more patience, there are 6 days to go in Phase 1 and I've already made progress so who knows what might happen in the remaining days?

The amazing transformation of a man who refused to give up!

The following video is a summary of one man's fight to regain his ability to walk after being gravely injured in the process of serving his country. His story is a bit similar to mine as I too have had to fight my way back from partial paralysis. This man is a shining example of what determination can do for you.