I've been watching videos at
BodyRock.tv for around a year but I had been unable to start previously because I didn't have enough room in my previous place to store and use the equipment not to mention the fact that I suffer from MS which can make regular exercise difficult. As a result I found myself gaining weight rapidly in between periods of frequent exercise which as you can imagine was extremely discouraging for me. This year I decided that I wanted to do more with my life as I have been cooped up in my house for a few years and I'm tired of just existing. I let my illness suck the life out of me so to speak. I noticed that the community at BRT is very supportive so I finally decided to give it a try.
Wish me luck.
So here are my results;
- Squat Jumps - 21
- Push Ups - 5 normal, 15 on knees
- Burpees - 10
- High Knees - 90
- Switch Lunges - 9
- Tuck Jumps - 7
- Straight Abs - 6
And here's the demo. More information can be found
After the exercise (I did manage to get it done just before 12am but boy am I exhausted took a while to catch my breath >.<) I realise that I've got weak knees and my back is a little iffy too.
Today's exercise came in pretty late so I'm not sure when I should exercise next hm...I think I'll just stick to doing them around midnight for the rest of the month.
Well at any rate, I'm quite proud of my self for finishing it, for the most part I substituted the beginner moves in lieu of the more advanced ones that Lisa was demonstrating and it made a big difference in how I felt at the end of the work out. Tired yet happy, I am super excited about what she'll have planned for tomorrow and on that note I shall now retire to my bed.
Good day to you all!
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