Because we don't all run to dubstep!


Train hard, fight easy.


Beast mode!


Your workout is my warm-up.


Harry & Malfoy in later years.




Holy hell! They are sooo cute! Especially Daniel he looks so deliciously rugged, I love the costume design as well those band style costumes

are never boring. Tom looks like an ordinary doctor though >.> mehhh!

Do or don’t; a poem about unrequited love.


I’ve added one of my old poems to my deviantART account. You can have a read here. I’d be most grateful for any criticism and/or praise ;).

Mc Donald’s Japan’s mascot is cute!



Woot! Now this is way better than the clown :).

I write like...

I write like
James Joyce

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

Well this is awesome! Yeah I know it's fake but it does appeal to my ego ^_^.

Lets hit the gym!


I loved ALL the tracks in this mix! I was literally torn between singing and exercise XD.

I’ll make you move.


Oh my god! I’m in a ton of pain. DOMS is still present and in effect. I love listening to music while I work out, it gives me something to focus on besides the pain and helps me finish.



Omfg! My legs freaking hurt kaos-panda10 and its also getting pretty cold, I guess the rainy season is beginning to set in. On the other hand! I’ve lost some weight! Hurray! Now that I’ve made a habit of Monday-Friday exercise its time to focus on food and boy is there is rather conflicting information on nutrition to be found on the internet and it seems so tedious to sift through the crap to find the real gems. I’ll post my findings as I go.

An angry workout mix. Rawr!


Oh dear, today was such a lazy day, its extremely cold and to make matters worse, I'm out of whey protein so I've been procrastinating since morning over the wisdom of doing the exercise without it. I sucked it up though, what’s a little more pain ne? This mix was just what I needed to push thru my cardio workout today.

Current workout routine.



  • Pushups x20
  • Knee raises X20
  • Tip toe squats x20
  • Swing kicks L + R x20
  • Skipping – 2 minutes
  • Running in place – 2 minutes
  • Reverse lunges x20
  • Forward lunges x20


  • Pushups x20
  • Knee raises X20
  • Swing kicks L + R x20
  • High knees – 1 minute*
  • Skipping – 2 minutes*
  • Sprawls – 1 minute *
  • Kicks (any type) – 2 minutes*
  • Uppercuts – 1.5 minutes*
  • Straight punches – 1.5 minutes*
  • Jumping jacks – 1 minute*
  • Running in place – 2 minutes*
  • Reverse Lunges x20

 Note:Repeat exercises marked with an asterisk (*) once in reverse if possible.


  • Pushups x20
  • Knee raises x20
  • Tip toe squats x20
  • Swing kicks L + R x20
  • Skipping – 2 minutes
  • Running in place – 2 minutes
  • Reverse lunges x20
  • Forward lunges x20


  • Pushups x20
  • Knee raises x20
  • Swing kicks L + R x20
  • High knees – 1 minute*
  • Skipping – 2 minutes*
  • Sprawls – 1 minute *
  • Kicks (any type) – 2 minutes*
  • Uppercuts – 1.5 minutes*
  • Straight punches – 1.5 minutes*
  • Jumping jacks – 1 minute*
  • Running in place – 2 minutes*
  • Reverse Lunges x20

Note:Repeat exercises marked with an asterisk (*) once in reverse if possible.


  • Pushups x20
  • Knee raises X20
  • Tip toe squats x20
  • Swing kicks L + R x20
  • Skipping – 2 minutes
  • Running in place – 2 minutes
  • Reverse lunges x20
  • Forward lunges x20

Bonus Ab Exercise

Set your interval timer for 3 rounds with 50 seconds on, and 10 seconds off. If you don’t have an interval timer use this one. I find that using the online version can be a little buggy so left click and choose save link as to download a copy.

  • Oblique's L & R
  • Bicycle crunch.

Try to do as many reps as possible in the time allowed but remember to keep proper form!

Note; There are variations to be found for every exercise listed and a quick Youtube search should yield a variety of options. Later on I’m thinking I’ll add links to videos of said exercises but right now I’m extremely sleepy so good night!

P.S. Please check with your doctor before starting this or any other exercise regimen. I will not be held responsible for any injuries incurred. That being said have fun and listen to your body, take breaks as needed and if it hurts try a simpler form.

The gym is my dance floor!

Some people jog because they are bored; you are not one of them.

Some people go to the gym to socialize; you are not one of them.

You run with a purpose, you know the weights you want to lift, the machines you want to use, and the classes you want to take. Exercise it not a fad for you, exercise is who you are, and you are AMAZING at it.

Now move people out of you way, because you’ve got muscle to build, and fat to lose, because the Gym Is Your Dance Floor!

R & B throwback.


I can't say that I like R & B much lately but this playlist contains songs that I liked even before I knew what a genre was, back when I liked music simply because it made me feel.

Blood, sweat, tears and beats.

Sick and tired of the same old songs in work out mixes? Well, plug this one into your headphones, get pumped, and enjoy.

Some thoughts on the trailer of the documentary "Bully".


So there's a new documentary coming out on March 30th called "Bully" and it follows the lives of five families whose kids are victims of bullying for a year as they try to make a difference by spreading awareness and hopefully improve their children’s level of comfort in school.

I'm really excited about it because its an issue that I find doesn't get enough press and as a person who was mercilessly bullied as a child it makes me feel as if maybe, just maybe adults will finally wise up and see their children for what they are as opposed to their ideal.

I do not know if this will make a difference in the long run but I sincerely hope so, for the sake of those kids who are killing themselves to escape the pressure to know that yes it will indeed get better someday and all those who are either bullying or aiding the bullies in covering up what they’re doing to finally see that there are consequences for their actions.

Source: The Huffington Post.

Simon Sinek explains how great leaders inspire action.


A very interesting video on the type of thinking that makes one successful as opposed to what we think will make us successful. It makes a strong argument for finding your passion before starting a business or choosing a career.

Train hard and maybe the odds will be in your favour.

A mix for just in case you end up in some post-apocalyptic world where something like the Hunger Games happens, and you need to be hella fit.

Run fast to some current pop hits and get your bow arm strong with some house faves. Become the girl on fire.

Run! Run! Run!


Strong is the new beautiful.


I liked almost all the tracks on this mixtape with the exception of the songs by Drake & Chris Brown.

Born to Run!

You’re running on guts. On fumes. Your muscles twitch. You throw up. You’re delirious. But you keep running because there’s no way out of this hell you’re in, because there’s no way you’re not crossing the finish line. It’s a misery that non-runners don’t understand.
— Martine Costello

I'm exhausted. I downloaded the Beach Body Tabata Interval Timer to help time my workout and discovered that I had indeed gotten the timing wrong without it because I'm totally bushed after my cardio workout today. If you follow the link to the Beach Body Tabata Interval Timer you'll find a brief introduction to Tabata as well as a link to the complete scientific paper written by Izumi Tabata and his research team.

My current workout timetable closely resembles the Tabata workout style so I'll post it sometime in the future.

Crank it up!


This probably wasn't my best choice and it was a little repetitive but its gets the blood pumping and that's what's important ;)

Today's Motivation


Kashiwazaki Sena (Haganai) Cosplay

I came across a super cute cosplay today and I just had to share it. I've never seen this particular anime but I admit I'm rather tempted to do so after seeing these.

Artist: Miyuko/미유코 (Yun Jin Kang)
Character: Kashiwazaki Sena (柏崎星奈)
Origin: Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない)

And I shall face my fears.

Photo Credit: Sewlolita
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing......Only I will remain.
I'm not sure where this verse originated, but lately its been my mantra. As I attempt to spend more time out of my house and in the company of others I realize that my anxiety grows the more I interact with them. They say humans are social creatures but I find social situations extremely stressful, so much so that I'm near panic ever time I try to interact with my friends and others.

I turn into a bit of an idiot around them, and I constantly forget what I'm talking about, my friends are supportive but I'm terrified of where MS will take me next; right now it's affecting my memory and motor functions which effectively stole the majority of my dreams from me. I'm afraid of the disappointment I feel every time I lose the ability to do something and I'm a little jealous when I see my friends progressing with their goals. Its a strange feeling being both fiercely proud & slightly jealous of their accomplishments.

I find that I hate myself a bit for this but I'm resolved to work on this aspect of my character together with my body, I guess we'll see how it turns out ne?