Come on, you can do it! One more rep!
Phew. That was tiring. Today's workout was 10 minutes of squat jumps. My score was 88. Yay me!
Move your body!
Sigh. I only made it to 3 rounds today *sad face* and I was actually exhausted by round 2, I had to push hard to make it to 3 but alas my poor sore leg muscles could take no more after 3 rounds. So, regretfully, I had to throw in the towel; at least until the next time this workout comes up. I'm surely going to make 5 rounds at that time.
So the results were;
Lunges; 10 per leg; 60
Baby burpees; 30
Time; 1 hour
The very best workout mix!
I loved the first 3 tracks on this playlist so much, it got me off my aching butt and into the squat jumps. For today's workout I was attempting to do 4 rounds of squat jumps (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off). And I succeeded...sorta. The results were a bit dismal 6, 8, 7, 10; giving me a total of 31 squat jumps. I suppose that I need to be more patient.
Also, I was wrong about yesterday; after these squat jumps my legs hurt so much that in comparison nothing else does >.< on the other hand I welcome the pain because it means I'm getting better!
Squat til you puke!
This really should have been lunge til you puke >.< Anyway its official; I hate lunges more than burpees!
So my scores for today's workout were:
Workout C
Lunges L+R; 60
Hop scotch drills; 4 minutes
Pushups; 100 (inclined & on knees)
Yay me! I honestly didn't think I was gonna make it to 4 rounds this time, it was a pleasant surprise :)
Fire it up!
Day 2 of the new workout and I must say 4 minutes of Baby Burpess was way more intense than he made it look.
I choose to attempt 4 rounds at first and increase by one until I either made it to 12 rounds or whatever turned out to be my max effort. It turned out that my max effort was 4 rounds >.< ah well I plan to repeat this workout until I've mastered it :D (one month at a time).
Well now I'm bushed so I'm off to drink my chocolate whey protein post workout mix then hit the showers.
Toodles <3
Oh yes I have...somewhat frequently even...
So today and for the rest of the week, I'm giving this beginner Tabata routine a try. Today's results weren't bad...I managed 4 rounds of exercise A.
Yay me. Anyway I'm off to have dinner. Goodnight.
A 65 year old hockey player & some updates.
Now wasn't that amazing? People like her inspire me to push myself harder to achieve my goals when I'm feeling down.
Lately I haven't been updating much, I've been a little depressed truth be told. the rainy season has finally begun, it used to be my favourite time of the year. I loved playing in the rain. Now, its a source of pain for me as for some inexplicable reason my MS tends to get much worse the colder it grows. For the last 2 - 3 weeks I've managed to get continuously injured due to muscle spasms :( BUT today however, I shall be re-starting my fitness regimen with a new exercise routine. Yay!
Right after I get back from my passport appointment.
Ian Alleyne arrested? What took you guys so long?
Popular TV6 “Crime Watch” host Ian Alleyne was tonight arrested by police on the compound of Caribbean Communications Network Ltd (CCN), Independence Square, Port of Spain.You can probably tell from the title, but I don't approve of Ian Alleyne. I firmly believe that anyone who shows the rape of a 13 year old girl on national television deserves to be arrested. I honestly don't understand the allure this man has over the population but its about damn time he answers for his irresponsible behaviour.
He had just completed the airing of his programme when he was informed that police were on the premises with instructions to arrest him.
Alleyne’s attorney Om Lalla said they received notification that the police had an interest in Ian, but later found out it was their intention to arrest his client.
“In spite of our request that we would meet them at the police station they have refused and the instructions are that he’s to be arrested. We will cooperate but again, it does seem to be an abuse of process”, Lalla said.
He added that if the arrest had anything to do with the airing of a tape showing the rape of a 13-year-old girl on Alleyne’s programme several months ago, they expected the matter to be handled differently as both CCN lawyers and Alleyne have indicated their willingness to cooperate and are still prepared to do so.
Alleyne was handcuffed by members of the Port of Spain Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in the CCN car park and eventually taken away.
A large number of Alleyne’s supporters gathered outside the Charlotte Street entrance to the compound voicing their disapproval.
Source: The Daily Express
Why is there a halo around the sun?
As the day progressed however, I was alerted to the growing panic that the appearance of the halo was causing by a few of my friends who had become convinced that it was a sign of some sort. Of what they didn't know but it was most definitely a sign! By 6 p.m. the general consensus was that it was a sign of the apocalypse; at this point I was most dissapointed in them truth be told. So I fired up the old Encyclopædia Britannica and looked it up.
Halo; any of a wide range of atmospheric optical phenomena that result when the Sun or Moon shines through thin clouds composed of ice crystals. These phenomena may be due to the refraction of light that passes through the crystals, or the reflection of light from crystal faces, or a combination of both effects. Refraction effects give rise to colour separation because of the slightly different bending of the different colours composing the incident light as it passes through the crystals. On the other hand, reflection phenomena are whitish in colour, because the incident light is not broken up into its component colours, each wavelength being reflected at the same angle.So as you can see from the above its a perfectly harmless, beautiful phenomena. I really wish that people would try to educate themselves as opposed to panicking about anything that is the slightest bit odd.
The most common halo is the 22° halo, a series of coloured arcs, or in some cases complete circles, of 22° angular radius with the Sun or Moon at its centre. The order of coloration is red on the inside and blue on the outside, opposite to that of the atmospheric corona.
Less frequently observed phenomena, such as parhelia, sun pillars, tangent arcs, sun crosses, and others, also are attributable to the reflection or refraction of sunlight or moonlight by ice crystals.
* halo. (2012). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.Katawa Shoujo; First Look
In case you haven’t realised it yet, I’m a huge (HUGE) eroge fan and when I first came across Katawa Shoujo I wasn't sure it was gonna be my thing I mean its about kids with disabilities coping with life and love a topic that I find extremely sad. It hits close to home for me as I myself am somewhat disabled but that's a story for another time ne?
You play as Hisao Nakai a boy who recently found out that he had a serious heart condition after it gave out on him one day. His life drastically changed in the months following the attack and when he is deemed stable enough to leave the hospital he is sent to a school that caters to children living with disabilities. Initially he is understandably upset by this turn of events but as he as he gets more accustomed to the school and its inhabitants he becomes less apathetic and finally learns to enjoy life.
There has been some controversy due to the unfortunate (I personally think the name is fine as is) naming of this eroge as "katawa shoujo" which apparently translates to “cripple girl”. You can read more about that here and here if you like.
I’m going to post the routes separately as I finish them as I imagine that I’ll have a lot to say about the events that make up each route. The best thing about this game is that it doesn't cost a cent. You can download a copy here you’ll also find links to some other goodies like wallpapers music and artbooks.
And finally here’s the opening;