Atheist fundamentalism?

I was looking at videos on the Amazing Atheist's YouTube channel when I came across  the following video:

In it he's talking about this article written by Reza Aslan in the Washington Post. In it Aslan is basically comparing Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris to Fundamental Christians because of this picture:
He's equating this advertisement on a bus with the aggressive and frankly distasteful advertisements that Fundamentalist Christians are fond of putting up. He uses the following to associate the "new atheism movement" with fundamentalism.
...the conviction that they are in sole possession of truth (scientific or otherwise)
This one is perplexing. Science is what defines what we perceive as reality, it is what has us living longer, it cures us of the majority of diseases that afflict us and it changes whenever new data is found and proven true via through testing. In comparison religion is stagnant.
the troubling lack of tolerance for the views of their critics (Dawkins has compared creationists to Holocaust deniers)
I think that creationism is a poor choice for claiming atheist intolerance. These people adamantly refuse to believe the truth set before their eyes. They claim that there is no evidence of evolution but in talking with them you'll see that they don't even understand what evolution is. Take the eye for example, our eye is certainly not as advanced as the one belonging to that of a hawk, but it's better than the pair that other lower lifeforms are furnished with. We can see by studying these animal natural selection at work.
the insistence on a literalist reading of scripture
Theists claim that the bible is historic fact, I read my history text literally so why not the bible? I am aware that there are a lot of theists that don't fall in with the fundamentalist view but at the same time it's their silence on the atrocities carried out by said fundamentalists that's truly sad. I have had people tell me that certain things aren't in the bible and its clear that they never bothered to read the thing properly. If this book is what you derive your morals from yet you don't see (or refuse to see) how it's validation of literally any horrid thing that could possibly enter one's mind is a bad thing then that's pretty strange. Theists also don't want to be associated with the Westboro Baptist Church or the Mormons, but the fact remains that they too are following the bible.
the simplistic reductionism of the religious phenomenon
Well...this one makes no sense really.
their overwhelming sense of siege: the belief that they have been oppressed and marginalized by Western societies and are just not going to take it anymore.
This is probably the most idiotic thing he has said in this article. Choosing to become an atheist isn't hard, it's an extremely tiny part of me really, so tiny that it should be insignificant. I do not believe in a god. I also think that religion is extremely harmful for various reasons but the most important one is the way the ones in charge of these religious organizations take advantage of their followers.

So I guess I'm probably anti-theist in that regard. There are various ways that I am discriminated against for my belief, insignificant though it be:

  • I am shunned because I reject the notion of a god.
  • I would not be able to get a job if I identified as atheist when applying. 
  • People tell me I'm going to hell, they take great delight in the fact that I am ill, they call it god's punishment for my defiance of his will.
  • I'm also going to hell for being bi-sexual.
  • I have been told that I deserve to die since I do not believe in god.
  • I have been on the receiving end of emotional blackmail by people I was close too because I was not convinced by their notion of a god.
  • I have friends who are gay and suffering because they have to hide their preference, they are told that they are abnormal, abominations and if they every were to love someone they would go to hell where they will suffer for eternity. For simply being what they are. 

Is this the kind of behavior that one would expect from an ideology that preaches love and respect for your fellow man? Certainly not.

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